Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About Podcast: Fitness

Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About Podcast: Fitness

Let's cut to the chase, it's easiest to listen on iTunes or Stitcher.

This week, we get into it about fitness. I talk about inconsiderate people at the gym, my love for AKT, ClassPass, the car accident that changed my life, anxiety, the wisdom of Keltie Knight, The Hamptons, my favorite Pilates studio in LA (dr pilates) and what I has learned after taking 500+ group fitness classes. Ali chats Krav Maga (not to be confused crab dip), working out at home, DVDs (remember those?), feeling good, Danette May and more.

Things I Said I Would Link To In This Episode


Use promo code ALAKT4U for 50% off your first month of AKT On Demand.

To take a free class in LA, register on AKT. Then email and tell them you heard about AKT through the podcast, as well as the date of the class you want to take.

I wrote an article for A Sweat Life which further details my experience at AKT. So, obviously if you haven't quite had enough of me talking about AKT, give it a read.

Fab Fit Well by Chanel

dr pilates

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