Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About: Semi-Secret Bonus Mini-Episode

Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About: Semi-Secret Bonus Mini-Episode

I guess the secret is out.

I guess the secret is out.

Let's cut to the chase and just listen on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher or TuneIn.

IT’S A BONUS MINI-EPISODE! We love you Blogettes so much, we wanted to give you a quick update about our lives and the show.

Here are the links we talked about-

Get styled by Ali

See how Amanda attempted to organize her sad closet

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Don’t forget, you can EARN EXTRA KARMA POINTS by subscribing and leaving us a five-star review on iTunes. All you have to do is click the Ratings and Reviews tab. Then, Click Write A Review. Then actually write a review.

In the Podcasts App, search for the podcast even though you already subscribe, then click Ratings and Reviews. Click Write A Review. Write about how much you love being a Blogette. It might not show up immediately, but just Ali going to an event, she’ll get there eventually.

Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About- Bonus Mini-Episode
Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About: Nikki Lund

Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About: Nikki Lund

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