Five Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout When You Don't Really Want To

Five Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout When You Don't Really Want To


I have a confession. I’ve not been in super workout ra ra mode lately. I don’t know if it is the change of seasons or the seemingly endless amount of projects I’ve been working on, but I’m just not that into working out right now. But, this doesn’t mean I’m not working out, it just means I’m less motivated to get myself going. And that’s okay because I’m still doing what I need to do, even if it takes some extra push to get there. Here are five ways I’ve been forcing myself to workout during those times when I’d rather being doing anything else

Fashion Is A Great Motivator

Who doesn’t get excited to wear new clothes? If you find you have the cardio blahs, buy yourself a cute outfit. This ALWAYS works for me. Here are a few ideas.

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So Is Money…

I am beyond overworked right now. Really, I would love to spend my borderline non-existent free time on my couch, but that isn’t an option right now. So, I’m forcing myself to plan my day when I wake up and sign up for a group fitness class using ClassPass. If you miss a class, they charge you $15 and I’d rather put that cash towards anything else. I also work best under pressure, so if I know I have to be somewhere later that day, I ‘m more likely to finish my work.

If you haven’t heard of ClassPass, it’s an amazing program that gets you the best deals (literally, I’ve checked) on group fitness classes in 43 different cities, making life so much easier if you travel a lot and still want to stick to your fitness routine.

If you’ve never used ClassPass before, use my affiliate link for a $40 credit. They have a few plans to choose from.

As Is Time….

Sometimes I want to skip a workout, but knowing what my week looks like in advance and keeping the big picture in mind makes me aware that skipping a day isn’t an option. There just won’t be an available time slot later in the week. This is especially true because I try to workout 4-5 days a week.

But Short Workouts Are EVERYTHING

Trying to motivate myself to workout for 45 minutes to an hour has been like trying to pull teeth lately. First of all, some days I don’t have an extra minute to spare. Then there’s the fact that an hour can sound like ten hours when I am super stressed. So, I’ve found several 30-minute classes that I can motivate myself to go to. Plus, when I know I’m there for a shorter period of time, I work much harder. This makes me feel super accomplished and totally exhausted when I am finished.

And Convenience Is King

This is a conversation I had earlier this week:

Me- Honey, I’m headed off to the gym downstairs in our building to go for a run.

Husband- You’ve never been to the gym downstairs.

Me- Not true, I go there all the time to use the bathroom when I’m sipping rosé at the pool.

Husband- I mean to workout.

Me- Also not true, I’ve used it five times in the two and half years we’ve lived here.

I’m not a gym person or a running person, but I can’t think of a more convenient place to squeeze in a workout right now. So, I’m starting to use the gym in my building more often. Honestly, it’s not my favorite place to workout, but being able to get in and out the most time efficient way possible is sometimes the only option I have.

Remember— SOMETHING IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN NOTHING! A 30-minute jog around your neighborhood is better than a 30-minute snooze on the couch.  


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